Intel channels monitoring

RIFT not only reads, but understands intel reports. It sees new messages instantly, follows conversations across multiple follow-up messages, and recognizes many types of reports.

It maintains an awareness of the world based on past reports and can figure out missing information from context.

Powerful and flexible alerts

Set up alerts exactly how you want based on configurable triggers and conditions, including dynamic ones like current location or based on online characters.

In response to alerts, RIFT can show its own notifications, play sounds, and use the system notifications.

View intel on the map

The built-in configurable map shows the information you want, including current and historic intel reports, and live kills from zKillboard.

It also shows the location of your characters, and has all the interactive features you'd expect.

Plan your route

See your route on the map, including jump bridges.
Right-click a system anywhere in the app to set your autopilot.

Dive into system details

The map can show the number of jumps, kills, NPC kills, stations, assets you own, incursion status, faction warfare status, sovereignty, jump ranges, and more.

Manage your assets

View your assets across all characters. Filter, sort, and search through them, and view or copy fittings of your ships.

Works with all your alts

RIFT is made to work with multiple characters, and you can instantly view the status of each.

Includes a feature to easily copy in-game settings like window positions and buttons between your characters.

Easily configurable

Set your own intel channels, choose your own setup.

Options are made to be practical and are detected or suggested automatically where possible.

Show only what you need

Features are accessible through a small Neocom window, or system tray icon, whichever you prefer.

Want to see more?

See more screenshots below.


Does RIFT work on my system?

RIFT natively supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Does RIFT have a backend?

No, RIFT is a standalone application with no server component.

Can I see the source code?

The source code repository is on GitHub.

Is this allowed?

Yes, RIFT does not do anything that is against the EVE Online EULA.